I decided that it's about time I posted some of my latest makes up here, as what with one thing and another I have kinda neglected my blog! AGAIN!! I have a couple of new CJ's getting ready to go out and a couple of swaps as well, plus the DT stuff and life in general, I've been making loads and posting none of it!!
I've been playing with charms! I have absolutely loads of them at the moment and I love them, especially the ladybird, butterflies and bees set! Too cute! I love the charm bracelet but as soon as I used up all the hearts on that I got another set through!! So I may go for a matching jewellery collection!! LOL!
This is my first ever Tear Bear and I love them they are so cute and easy to do. Basically you use a wet paintbrush to draw your bear shapes on the paper and tear them out while they are wet, then use a firm bristle brush (an old toothbrush works well) and fluff them up round the edges, be careful not to fluff them to much though or you will wear the paper out and he will end up with a bald patch!!!
And here he is again, with a friend!! I also have made an Easter chick hatching from a vellum egg but I haven't photographed him yet!! I just love doing them, I have a fab tear bear pattern but I need to figure out how to upload the file here! There is loads more to upload so I will try and get it done over the next few days!
As for the matchbox drawers I haven't forgotten the requests for instructions just not had the time, as soon as I get some matchboxes I will make another set and create the instructions as I go!!